GV homepage
GV is a portable light-weight geometry viewer (gv) and grid visualizer (gv).
The main purpose of GV is visualization and simple editing of orbitals, computed
by MOLCAS. But it can also used for
visualization of XYZ files, and as a simple molecular builder with unique
features (e.g. use of symmetry, building clusters, etc.).
Next version of GV code is LUSCUS. Use this link to Download Luscus
Several people contributed to the GV development: Alexander Gaenko (menu and initial build), Asbjøern Holt (geometry manipulations),
Luca de Vico (powray), Per Olof Widwark (eps), Goran Kovacevic (bug fixing).
GV is not a freeware, it is not an opensource, it is copyrighted (C) Valera Veryazov 2019.
The idea dehind GV was simple: have a GUI, which depends on
very little amount of stable libraries.
But how naiive was I :( ...
Small set of libraries OpenGL/GLU/glut turned to be an
example of complete mess of opensource developed project.
New bugs are introduced and fixed only after several years.
Just to conclude - if GV works on your computer - great!
use it - I don't care. But if you have any
question, no matter how small it is, or the code does not
work on your computer -
THE ONLY OPTION YOU HAVE IS to buy a support for GV (*).
(*) if you have valid (Academic, Center, University, commercial)
Molcas license - you have an exception.
Else, the GV license has the same conditions and the same cost
as academic group license for Molcas. See molcas.org
 build from templates
|  use of symmetry
|  Tobermorite crystal
|  SiO2 cluster
 Water orbitals
|  HiRes pictures
|  Active space
|  publication example
Download GV v.2.0 executables (after downloading, do not forget to change the file permissions)
Note! you might need GLUT library installed on your computer. It is free and available in Internet.
To verify that it works, download a luscus file and open it with gv.