How to order Molcas?

The code is distributed by the department of Theoretical Chemistry at Lund University and can be ordered by sending the signed order forms below. Though Molcas is commercially available it is not a profit generating package. All income from license fees is reinvested to improve Molcas.

  • To order Molcas, just fill out the order form and copyright agrement generated by the electronic order form, print it, sign it, and send the signed forms as e-mail attachment, FAX, or by post to the address below. We will not process your request before we received signed order form. Read our licensing policy below.
  • If you already have a Molcas license that is about to expire, please make a complete order as we need a signed order for legal reasons.
  • To speed up the processing you may fax the signed agreements, or send them as e-mail attachment.
  • By e-mail you will receive a userid and password to download Molcas from our web page. You will also get a license key by e-mail.
  • There are two alternatives to pay for the license. You can use credit card, or pay through a bank transfer. In later case you will receive an invoice for the license fee. Please secure that the funds transferred to our bank account corresponds to the invoiced amount. Any bank fee or national tax are to be covered by the buyer.
  • Ordering from China? Consider to contact Reachsoft, who is able to facilitate the purchase:, Phone: 010-67506619, Email:

If you need more information about payment check our FAQ or send us E-mail.
  • E-mail:
  • Post:
    Department of Computational Chemistry
    Lund University, Chemical Center
    P.O. Box. 124, S-221 00 Lund

  With version 8 of MOLCAS we change the licensing policy. You purchase a time limited license for 1 year or 3 years. This license entitles you to get all updates within this time period, including major releases.

There are four different types of licenses:

  • Academic group license: This license is for a single research group typically a Professor and his/her students. This license covers non-profit research groups such as universities and research institutes. Such a license is limited to the site where the license holder resides. This licence has duration 3 years.
  • Academic group license unlimited. Same as above but with no limit for the license. (the option is only available for Molcas 8.6)
  • University license: This license is for a whole research institution, typically a university that is available to all researchers at the university or research institute. This license has duration 3 years and includes the source code for MOLCAS.
  • Computer center license: This license is for a computing center, and it can be used by all users in this computer center. This license has duration 1 or 3 years, and includes the source code for MOLCAS.
  • Commercial license: This license is for all that do not qualify as one of the above.
The price of a license is:
License type 1 year 3 years Unlimited
Academic group -- 2500 EUR 4500 EUR
University --- 6250 EUR ---
Computer center 6250 EUR 12500 EUR ---
Commercial 12500 EUR 25000 EUR ---

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