
Quantum Chemistry of Excited States QCES-2024

November 25th--29th, 2024
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Registration and Payment information

  • The number of participants is limited.
    To be accepted as a student, please, prepare your CV and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor. Use this form to make the registration.
    If for some reason registration does not work, send an e-mail with CV and the letter to the following address: valera.veryazov@teokem.lu.se.

    The letter of acceptance (containing the payment details) will be sent not later than September 25th.

  • Registration fee is 200 EUR, should be paid before November 6th to secure your place at the workshop.
  • The registration fee includes coffee breaks, lunches and rent of the facilities.
  • The lodging (25/11--29/11) will be arranged separtely for a special conference price (estimated 40-50 EUR per night).