Quantum Chemistry of Excited States QCES-2024
November 25th--29th, 2024
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The school will take place at Babeş-Bolyai University,
in University Sports Park .
Babes-Bolyai University Hotel is located at 7 Pandurilor Street (entrance from Plopilor Street), Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Phone: +40 264 429 788.
The lectures and exercises will be in the UBB School of Health - UBBMed building. Use this link to access Google maps
There are 3 ways to get to the Universitas Hotel from the airport:
Check instructions with maps
- Public transport: Bus 5 (direction Piata Garii), and exchange to Tram 101 or 102 in station Horea/Closca (direction Str. Bucium) and get off at station Plopilor Nord.
Note, that there is another bus from Airport (A1E), but it has less convenient connections.
The hotel is about 50 meters from the station, you can ask for directions at the entrance, there is a doorman that can help you. You have the details of the direction in the photos.
You can purchase tickets from the machine in the bus station (card or cash), you would need 2 of them and you have to validate them in the bus/tram (3 LEI/ticket, approx. 0.6 euros), you can also pay by card in the bus/tram.
If you need cash, there are ATM machines inside the airport, that dispend Romanian currency (LEI)
- Taxi - usually there are taxis in the front of the airport, most of them accept payment by card, just tell them from the beginning if you want to pay by card. The trip should be around 50-60 lei (10-12 euros).
- You can use Bolt or Uber mobile apps, they can be cheaper or more expensive than the regular taxi, depending on the demand they have.
Information about Cluj-Napoca.
The school offers accommodation at the campus. Please, contact the organizers if you are interesed.
The room prices are 185 RON (37 EUR) per night with single accommodation and 140 RON (28 EUR) per night if you share the room.