Posted by Sergiu Clima on October 15, 2004 at 13:44:23:
Dear rasscf program developers,
I have a question on CI coefficients in the output of the rasscf program. The full output is the following:
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 1
energy= -9107.212779
conf/sym 1111 22 33 44 Coeff Weight
999 0000 20 20 20 0.28536 0.08143
1001 0000 20 02 20 -0.24870 0.06185
1006 0000 20 uu dd -0.30442 0.09267
1008 0000 20 20 02 -0.28516 0.08132
1010 0000 20 02 02 0.24855 0.06178
1257 0000 uu dd 20 -0.28337 0.08030
1263 0000 uu 20 dd 0.30442 0.09267
1267 0000 uu 02 dd -0.26904 0.07238
1270 0000 uu dd 02 0.28320 0.08020
1274 0000 02 20 20 -0.24870 0.06185
1276 0000 02 02 20 0.22290 0.04969
1282 0000 02 uu dd 0.26904 0.07238
1283 0000 02 20 02 0.24855 0.06178
1285 0000 02 02 02 -0.22280 0.04964
Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root 1
sym 1: 0.000019 0.000004 0.000013 0.000005
sym 2: 1.083701 0.916278
sym 3: 1.083701 0.916278
sym 4: 1.000402 0.999599
The question is: for the configuration 1006 (0000 20 uu dd -0.30442 0.09267)
does it contain also 0000 20 dd uu ? ( this one is not present in the output)
And how can we know the coefficients of that one?
Thank you in advance.